纹理/着色 Tile Map Accelerator 1.5.1 超大地图编辑渲染工具

纹理/着色  场景  Unity 2020 

Tile Map Accelerator is a powerful shader based tile map renderer capable of delivering stellar performance for utterly huge tile maps on any DirectX 11 compatible platforms.

Seamlessly zoom in and out on giant tile maps with absolutely no transitions, LOD or code based optimization depending on zoom level. TMA sees no difference between rendering a few tiles or whole maps.

This asset is more than a tile map renderer. It includes scripts for tile map interactions, runtime map edits, animation, automatic chunking and even auto tiling transition capabilities to make sure you are up and running within minutes!

Key Asset Features :
- Ultimate tile map rendering shader using "Texture Bombing" techniques.
- Render up to 16384 x 16384 tile maps per mesh with no framerate drops at any zoom level.
- Tile Map Manager main script used to generate a basic simplex noise map and then send it to the shader as a texture. Ready to be edited with your own tile map loading function.
- Tile Map Interaction script addon used to allow mouse interaction, collision detection & triggers using pooled colliders.
- Isometric Rendering Support added in version 1.2 allowing for lightning fast rendering of isometric tile maps! Includes isometric utility and map management scripts.
- GPU side texture copy based edit baking added in version 1.3 for minimal FPS drops when making edits to tile maps.
- RTS Game Tech Demo added in version 1.4 for usage examples including multiplayer integration, save files, mod loading and more!
- Version 1.5 now compatible with the Universal Render Pipeline, also adds new Dynamic LOD & Gamma Correction features!
- Auto Tile Utilities script used to automatically bake AutoTile transitions to the tile map. Integrated version of "AutoTile Generator" used to easily create transition tiles.
- Active Layer Manager script addon used to allow live runtime edits to the tile map with overlaid sprites. Features functions to bake live edits to the shader map.
- Animated Tile Map Manager script & demo scene used to allow map wide animation
- Multi Layer Map Manager script & demo scene using a transparency enabled variant of the shader to allow multi layered tile map rendering
- Auto Chunking Manager script & demo scene to allow near seamless edit baking while keeping stellar rendering performance
- More helper scripts, simple 2D top down character controller and trigger action manager scripts, map saving and loading capabilities including simple compression algorithm
- Extensive comments throughout included source code to help you start customizing this asset to meet your needs. No code locked behind annoying DLLs for maximum customization potential.

This asset is still in active development. Future updates may introduce extra features that will increase the price point. Get it now to benefit from future updates at a lower price!

DISCLAIMER: Asset may not be compatible with the latest version of Unity in between updates due to engine functions getting deprecated or changed. No refunds will be granted for this reason.

瓦片贴图加速器是一款功能强大的基于着色器的瓦片贴图渲染器,能够在任何兼容 DirectX 11 的平台上为巨大的瓦片贴图提供出色的性能。

在巨型磁贴地图上无缝缩放,完全不需要根据缩放级别进行转换、LOD 或基于代码的优化。TMA 在渲染几个瓦片或整个地图之间没有任何区别。


- 使用 “纹理轰炸 ”技术的终极瓦片贴图渲染着色器。
- 每个网格最多可渲染 16384 x 16384 张瓷砖贴图,在任何缩放级别下都不会出现帧速率下降。
- 瓦片贴图管理器 "主脚本用于生成基本的单倍噪声贴图,然后将其作为纹理发送到着色器。您可以使用自己的瓦片贴图加载功能对其进行编辑。
- 瓦片贴图交互脚本插件用于使用集合碰撞器进行鼠标交互、碰撞检测和触发。
- 1.2 版中添加了等距渲染支持,可快速渲染等距磁贴地图!包括等距实用程序和地图管理脚本。
- 在 1.3 版中添加了基于 GPU 端纹理复制的编辑烘焙功能,可在编辑磁贴地图时将 FPS 下降降至最低。
- 在 1.4 版中添加了 RTS 游戏技术演示,提供了包括多人游戏集成、保存文件和地图管理在内的使用示例。

作者 小海盗 发表于 2024-12-19 12:05:54
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