编辑器/功能拓展 Road GPS Navigator 1.0

编辑器/功能拓展  卡通  Unity 2017 

Need to navigate player on game roads, build routes, find nearest path? Road GPS Navigator can help you to implement this functionality without coding. Works fine with Unity 2017 - 2023. But it is recommended to use asset with Unity 2019.4 or above - new updates will be shipped for these versions.

Use details:
- No coding needed to use.
- Easy to add your level map and setup all settigs.
- Easy to customize settings and visual design.
- Detailed guide about all asset components.

Work modes:
- Full map. All map of your level will be shown on screen with player actual position, route to current target and map icons for objects, which you want to show on map. Zoom and moving of map available.
- Navigator. Small window in corner of screen, imitates real navigator - following by player, shows nearest roads to player, and route to move.

- Asset builds shortest route from A to B point, where's A point is player (or car) position, and B - final destination.
- Can be setted up any map, you just need to complete several steps to create your level map and add it to Navigator.
- Supports diffirent roads rules: one and two-side roads, road circles, crossroads, etc.

- Player rotation and position always shown on map.
- Destination position also can be shown as map icon.
- You can setup objects on your level to be shown on map, just drag component to object and select icon.

Work features:
- Works on Unity UI.
- Supports any level sizes, any count of roads and crossroads.
- Search of shortest route by default runs in separated process thread, so huge levels will not cause lags.

Visual editor:
- Includes visual editor extension to see actual roads connections and directions.
- Includes editor window, simplifies work with map settings.

Note that this asset doesn't work with real maps and GPS, just allows you to create GPS imitation like in GTA, Far Cry and other games, to build routes in game cities and terrains.
Max tested map size is 6000 x 6000. Not tested with VR.

需要在游戏道路上为玩家导航、建立路线、寻找最近的路径吗?Road GPS Navigator 可帮助您在无需编码的情况下实现此功能。可在 Unity 2017 - 2023 中正常运行。但建议在 Unity 2019.4 或更高版本中使用该资产--新的更新将针对这些版本发布。

- 无需编码即可使用。
- 轻松添加关卡地图并设置所有设置。
- 轻松自定义设置和视觉设计。
- 关于所有资产组件的详细指南。

- 全地图。关卡的所有地图都将显示在屏幕上,包括玩家的实际位置、通往当前目标的路线以及您希望在地图上显示的对象的地图图标。可缩放和移动地图。
- 导航仪。屏幕一角的小窗口模仿真实的导航仪--由玩家跟随,显示距离玩家最近的道路和移动路线。

- 资产建立从 A 点到 B 点的最短路线,其中 A 点为玩家(或汽车)的位置,B 点为最终目的地。
- 可设置任何地图,只需完成几个步骤即可创建关卡地图并将其添加到导航器中。
- 支持不同的道路规则:单行道、双行道、环形路、十字路口等。

- 玩家的旋转和位置始终显示在地图上。
- 目的地位置也可显示为地图图标。
- 您可以将关卡中的对象设置为显示在地图上,只需将组件拖到对象上并选择图标即可。

- 可在 Unity UI 上运行。
- 支持任意关卡大小、任意数量的道路和十字路口。
- 搜索最短路线默认在独立的进程线程中运行,因此庞大的关卡不会造成延迟。

- 包括可视化编辑器扩展,可查看实际的道路连接和方向。
- 包括编辑器窗口,简化了地图设置工作。

需要注意的是,该资产不能与真实地图和 GPS 一起使用,只能让你创建类似于《GTA》、《Far Cry》和其他游戏中的 GPS,在游戏城市和地形中建立路线。
最大测试地图尺寸为 6000 x 6000。未与 VR 一起测试。

作者 小海盗 发表于 2024-2-7 22:57:25
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