Orbit Defense is a game template ready made with a beautiful 2D art and graphics optimize for mobile platforms, really clean code and easy to customize and learn, include AdMob and Google play service integration for ranking and achievements.
- Android and IOS support.
- Google Play Service Integration.
- AdMob Integration.
- Ranking.
- Achievements.
- Profesional and Clean UI.
- Animated UI.
- Full C#.
- Clean Code.
- Easy to Customize.
- Best Score.
- Share Score.
Orbit Defense 是一个现成的游戏模板,具有精美的 2D 艺术和针对移动平台优化的图形,代码非常干净,易于定制和学习,包括 AdMob 和 Google Play 服务集成,用于排名和成就。