编辑器/功能拓展 DreamOS - Complete OS UI 2.4.7游戏系统界面设计

编辑器/功能拓展  道具  Unity 2020 

Create an advanced in-game operating system to make your game or app even more immersive.

• Complete Solution
DreamOS includes not only the user interface components, but also many tools you may need. Everything can be easily customized in Unity without requiring any external tool.

• UI Manager
Instead of changing things one by one, you change the whole look of your UI within seconds - all using the UI Manager!

• Fully Customizable
We provide custom editor tools to make customization super easy.

• Rich UI Components
With dozens of unique UI elements, presets and sliced sprites, you can easily create different UI layouts.

• Functional Apps
From messaging to music player, there are 13+ different apps for all your needs. All apps are functional, modular and customizable.

• Functional System Features
Includes fully featured system features, such as; user creation, date and time, modular widgets, notifications, and more!

• Localization Support
DreamOS offers a complete localization system built into the package. You can easily manage localization without the need for an external solution.

• Native UI Support
DreamOS is made using the native Unity UI, so you can continue to work as you're used to and even use third party UGUI extensions with it.


• 完整的解决方案
DreamOS 不仅包含用户界面组件,还包含您可能需要的许多工具。一切都可以在 Unity 中轻松定制,无需任何外部工具。

• UI 管理器
您无需逐一更改,只需几秒钟即可更改 UI 的整体外观 - 只需使用 UI 管理器即可!

• 完全可定制

• 丰富的 UI 组件
借助数十种独特的 UI 元素、预设和切片精灵,您可以轻松创建不同的 UI 布局。

• 功能性应用
从消息传递到音乐播放器,有 13 多种不同的应用可满足您的所有需求。所有应用都功能齐全、模块化且可定制。

• 功能性系统功能

• 本地化支持
DreamOS 提供了内置于软件包中的完整本地化系统。您可以轻松管理本地化,无需外部解决方案。

• 原生 UI 支持
DreamOS 使用原生 Unity UI 制作,因此您可以继续按照习惯的方式工作,甚至可以使用第三方 UGUI 扩展。

作者 小海盗 发表于 5 天前
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