Unity 2019
- Flexible and Easy to Use, the core API is carefully-designed static methods, can be called directly from your scripts
- Super Fast, most algorithms don't even touch trigonometric functions
- Works in both 3D and 2D, (works in 2D if only your game treats y as up axis)
- Works on all build platforms
- Plenty of inspirational demos (currently 6 demo scenes including 1 game scene), great for both learning this toolkit and quick prototyping
- Reusable demos, with "curated control methods" the demos are no longer just for demonstration purpose, you can control them with your own scripts or visual scripts.
- Full source code
- Detailed documentation
- 灵活且易于使用,核心 API 是精心设计的静态方法,可直接从脚本调用
- 超快,大多数算法甚至不涉及三角函数
- 适用于 3D 和 2D,(如果您的游戏仅将 y 视为向上轴,则在 2D 中有效)
- 适用于所有构建平台
- 大量鼓舞人心的演示(目前有 6 个演示场景,包括 1 个游戏场景),非常适合学习此工具包和快速原型设计
- 可重复使用的演示,使用“精选控制方法”,演示不再仅用于演示目的,您可以使用自己的脚本或可视化脚本来控制它们。
- 完整源代码
- 详细文档