编辑器/功能拓展 DreamOS - Complete OS UI 2.4.2游戏系统界面设计

编辑器/功能拓展  道具  Unity 2020 

Want to create an advanced in-game operating system for your game or app? Well, we got you covered. With DreamOS, you'll be able to create good looking OS interfaces easily.

• Clean Design
Featuring a minimalistic and clean looking design with smooth pre-made animations that can be edited within Unity.

• UI Manager
Instead of changing things one by one, you change the whole look of your UI within seconds using UI Manager.

• Fully Customizable
You can add or change almost everything within Unity, no need to deal with code or external tools.

• Demo Scenes
Includes two ready to use demo scenes; Desktop and World Space.

• Functional Apps
There are 13 different apps for all your needs, from messaging to music player. More on the way!

• Functional System Features
Includes fully featured system features, such as; user creation, time and date, networking (simulated), modular widgets, notifications; and more!

• UI Elements
Includes a set of unique elements for all of your UI needs.

• Native UI Support
DreamOS is using the native Unity UI, so you can continue working the way you are used to and use third party UI extensions with it.
...and many more!

• Available Integrations
Steam Messaging

想要为您的游戏或应用创建先进的游戏内操作系统吗?我们能满足您的需求。借助 DreamOS,您将能够轻松创建美观的操作系统界面。

• 简洁的设计
具有简约、简洁的设计,以及可在 Unity 中编辑的流畅预制动画。

• UI 管理器
您无需逐一更改,而是可以使用 UI 管理器在几秒钟内更改整个 UI 的外观。

• 完全可定制
您可以在 Unity 中添加或更改几乎所有内容,无需处理代码或外部工具。

• 演示场景

• 功能应用
有 13 种不同的应用可满足您的所有需求,从消息传递到音乐播放器。更多功能即将推出!

• 功能系统功能

• UI 元素
包括一组满足您所有 UI 需求的独特元素。

• 原生 UI 支持
DreamOS 使用原生 Unity UI,因此您可以继续按照习惯的方式工作,并使用第三方 UI 扩展。

• 可用集成
Steam 消息传递

作者 小海盗 发表于 2025-1-7 11:39:49
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