编辑器/功能拓展 Spline Tools for MapMagic & MapMagic 2 3.1.0路径生成

  场景  Unity 2019 

This is an extension to MapMagic and MapMagic 2, a node based procedural and infinite map generator for Unity. It enhances MapMagic’s capabilities by adding a set of new generators as well as a graph-based state of the world.

An existing installation of MapMagic or MapMagic 2 is required in order to use this extension!

Be aware that this asset is not related to the MM2 Splines module. Only the free MapMagic 2 core asset is required, yet additional features are available with the Objects and the Biomes modules.

This extension will allow to generate POI (Point Of Interest) and splines between them, based on the user's rulesets, all together defining the WorldGraph. This graph can then be used to modify the terrain, scatter objects or do operations on it at runtime via the API.

Depending on the used generators these splines could be used for a roads, or, with the integration of R.A.M., for rivers. Splines can also be generated within the area of POI to e.g. create villages.

Note that this Worldgraph is conceptually limited to a predefined area and will not generate to infinity.

Attention: MapMagic 2 does not yet officially support third party generators, so every MM2 update may break the integration with this asset. Until this has changed, the MM2 integration should not be considered stable yet.

### Connections / Roads / Paths
- Scatter POI randomly in the world that meet the specified criteria
- Manually place POI and connect them with the randomly scattered ones
- Connect POI across multiple chunks with lots of configuration options for the pathfinding algorithm
- Create a texture mask following the paths
- Flatten & carve the terrain along the paths
- Scatter new POI around existing POI and connect them to create villages
- Flatten area around POI across chunk borders - Use random or predefined stamps to flatten the terrain around a POI or any object
- Scatter objects along paths (eg. trees, houses in village)
- Create multiple independent graphs
- Use dedicated connections to create valleys or waterways
- Scripting API (graph traversal, waypoints, etc.)
- Basic support for MapMagic 2 Biomes (requires MapMagic 2's Biomes module)

### Rivers & Lakes (Unstable)
Be aware that these features are still flagged as 'Unstable'!
Requires R.A.M or R.A.M 2019!
- Generate rivers that flow naturally and follow the terrain
- Rivers can end in lakes, the sea or dry up
- Lakes will automatically be placed when rivers can't flow downhill anymore
- Lakes fill up the terrain and can overflow to create new cascading rivers
- Integration with River Auto Material and River Auto Material 2019
- route roads around lakes and across rivers or create endpoints for bridges

这是 MapMagic 和 MapMagic 2 的扩展,MapMagic 2 是 Unity 中基于节点的程序和无限地图生成器。它通过添加一组新的生成器以及基于图形的世界状态来增强 MapMagic 的功能。

要使用此扩展,需要安装已有的 MapMagic 或 MapMagic 2!

请注意,此资产与 MM2 Splines 模块无关。只需要免费的 MapMagic 2 核心资产,但 Objects 和 Biomes 模块可提供附加功能。

通过该扩展功能,可以根据用户的规则集生成 POI(兴趣点)和它们之间的样条线,并共同定义世界地图。然后,就可以通过应用程序接口在运行时使用该图修改地形、分散对象或对其进行操作。

根据所使用的生成器,这些样条曲线可用于道路,或者与 R.A.M. 集成后用于河流。也可以在 POI 区域内生成样条,例如创建村庄。


请注意: MapMagic 2 尚未正式支持第三方生成器,因此每次 MM2 更新都可能会破坏与此资产的集成。在这种情况发生改变之前,MM2 集成不应被认为是稳定的。

- 在世界上随机散布符合指定条件的 POI
- 手动放置 POI,并将其与随机散布的 POI 连接起来

作者 小海盗 发表于 2024-12-5 09:36:57
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