环境 POLYGON - Elven Realm 适配UE4.25 - 4.27 - 5.0 - 5.2低多边形精灵国度

环境  卡通 LowPoly 场景 角色  UE4.25 UE4.26 UE4.27 UE5.0 

◼ Key Features◼
Over 700 unique assets
Modular building system, including cliffs and waterfall
Includes detailed demo scene

Synty Studios™ presents:  POLYGON - Elven Realm
Tucked away from the grasp of non-magical beings, nestled between the mountains, lies Elven Realm, the celestial kingdom.

Powered by the Bloom of Runes, the elven folk rely on this as a ward, a power source, weapon enchantment, and a portal to connect them between lands.

As the mystical energies align, are you ready to weave magic for your players in the lunar realm of POLYGON - Elven Realm?

Want to add more magic to your game?
We recommend combining POLYGON - Elven Realm with:
POLYGON - Meadow Forest - Nature Biome
POLYGON - Fantasy Kingdom
POLYGON - Dungeon Realms

◼ Assets◼
Characters (x11)
Commoner Female, Commoner Male, King Male, Knight Male, Nobility Male, Priestess Female, Queen Female, Rogue Female, Scholar Male, Soldier Female, Soldier Male.

Character Attachments (x51)
Including Ears, Hairs, Helmets, Capes, and Crowns.

Buildings (x279)
Including a base set of building pieces with 3 styles of each roof for curved or straight designs, including: Balconies, Standard and spiral stairs, Ceilings, Doors, Floors, Pillars, Railings, Trims, Trellises, Alcoves, Walls, Windows, etc.

Props (x139)
Including Flags, Statues, Tables, Chairs, Couches, Beds, Rugs, Vases, Fountains, Flowers, Lanterns, Lamps, Crates, Desks, Pot plants, Shelves, Tents, Bundles, etc.

Items (x49)
Including Elixirs, Glasses, Musical Instruments, Letters, Quills, Spell books, Test Tubes, Wax seals, etc.

Environment (x137)
Including Bushes, Rocks, Cliffs, Hedges, Leaves, Mountains, Bridges, Trees, Vines, Waterfalls, Footpaths, Flowers, Pebbles, Grass, etc.

FX (x19)
Including Auroras, Candle flame, Fire, Wisps, Waterfalls, Rune doorways, Snow, Leaves, Magic lights, etc.

Weapons (x37)
Including Bows, Daggers, Axes, Swords, Staffs, Shields, Hammers, etc.

Vehicles (x3)
Boat, Carts

◼ Compatibility ◼
- Character setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack)
- View our tutorial on converting to the Universal Render Pipeline.
- Works in Unity 2020.3 and above
- Works in Unreal 4.25 and above

◼ Licence ◼
The following custom licence applies to this asset in addition to the Synty Store License Agreement.

END USER will be prohibited from using the asset license for the following products:
Creation of Non-Fungible-Tokens (NFT) and/or use in Blockchain based projects or products.
Creation of content for Metaverse-related and/or game creation software and products.
3D printing for commercial use.

◼ 主要特点◼
超过 700 种独特资产

Synty Studios™ 呈现:POLYGON - Elven Realm
Elven Realm 远离非魔法生物的掌控,坐落在群山之间,是天国。


随着神秘能量的排列,您准备好在 POLYGON - Elven Realm 的月球领域为您的玩家编织魔法了吗?

我们建议将 POLYGON - 精灵王国与以下物品结合使用:
POLYGON - 草地森林 - 自然生物群落
POLYGON - 幻想王国
POLYGON - 地下城王国

◼ 资产◼
角色 (x11)

角色附件 (x51)

建筑 (x279)
包括一套基础建筑构件,每种屋顶有 3 种样式,可用于弯曲或直线设计,包括:阳台、标准和螺旋楼梯、天花板、门、地板、柱子、栏杆、装饰、棚架、壁龛、墙壁、窗户等。

道具 (x139)

物品 (x49)

环境 (x137)

FX (x19)

武器 (x37)

车辆 (x3)

◼ 兼容性 ◼
- 角色设置以与 Mecanim 配合使用(此包中不包含动画)
- 查看有关转换为通用渲染管道的教程。
- 适用于 Unity 2020.3 及更高版本
- 适用于 Unreal 4.25 及更高版本

◼ 许可◼
除了 SyntyStore 许可协议外,以下自定义许可也适用于此资产。

创建非同质化代币 (NFT) 和/或在基于区块链的项目或产品中使用。
为 Metaverse 相关和/或游戏创作软件和产品创建内容。
用于商业用途的 3D 打印。

作者 小海盗 发表于 2024-11-19 11:27:47
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