编辑器/功能拓展 Exporter for Unreal to Unity 2023 1.30导出插件

编辑器/功能拓展  道具  Unity 2022 

2023 Edition
Includes free updates and fixes throughout 2023. Customers of the 2022 version get a 50% off discount

This is an unreal plugin (it will work only when placed in Unreal, see tutorial) that will export Unreal levels to Unity. That means static meshes with LODs, collision shapes, actor placement, decals, spline meshes, skinned meshes, terrain, materials & textures.

Supported Unreal Versions :
- 5.1, 5.0, 4.27

Supported Unity versions :
Built in pipeline : Unity 2019.4 or newer
URP : Unity 2021.2.7 or newer
HDRP : Unity 2021.2.7 or newer

- certain materials will not look 100% like in Unreal due to exotic material nodes or nodes I haven't fixed yet
- for terrain you need to first select the ConvertLandscapesToStaticMeshes option
- if for any reason you have shader compilation errors give me an e-mail at relativegames7@gmail.com .
- URP 11.0 or newer
- HDRP 11.0 or newer
- light intensities will not match exactly
- creates one FBX per static mesh and prefabs for instanced meshes
- exports decals for URP and HDRP

What doesn't get exported :
- cloth
- exotic material nodes that I haven't fixed yet
- particle emitters
- wind modifiers
- subsurface scattering
- tessellation
- terrain with over ~30 million polygons as the FBX exporter will crash.
- RuntimeVirtualTextures

2023 版
包括 2023 年全年的免费更新和修复。2022 版客户可享受 50% 折扣

这是一个虚幻插件(只有放置在虚幻中时才会起作用,请参阅教程),它将虚幻级别导出到 Unity。这意味着具有 LOD、碰撞形状、演员位置、贴花、样条网格、蒙皮网格、地形、材质和纹理的静态网格。

- 5.1、5.0、4.27

支持的 Unity 版本:
内置管道:Unity 2019.4 或更新版本
URP:Unity 2021.2.7 或更新版本
HDRP:Unity 2021.2.7 或更新版本

- 由于特殊材质节点或我尚未修复的节点,某些材质看起来不会 100% 像虚幻中的材质
- 对于地形,您需要首先选择 ConvertLandscapesToStaticMeshes 选项
- 如果由于任何原因您遇到着色器编译错误,请给我发送电子邮件至relativegames7@gmail.com
- URP 11.0 或更新版本
- HDRP 11.0 或更新版本
- 光强度不会完全匹配
- 为每个静态网格创建一个 FBX,并为实例网格创建预制件
- 为 URP 和 HDRP 导出贴花

- 布料
- 我尚未修复的奇异材料节点
- 粒子发射器
- 风修改器
- 次表面散射
- 曲面细分
- 地形包含超过约 3000 万个多边形,因为 FBX 导出器会崩溃。
- RuntimeVirtualTextures

作者 小海盗 发表于 2024-11-19 10:39:56
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