粒子/特效 Feel 3.8

粒子/特效  道具  Unity 2019 

Packed with more than 150 feedbacks and 70 springs, it'll let you easily trigger screenshakes, haptics, animate transforms, play with sounds, cameras, particles, physics, post processing, text, shaders, time, UI, and add juice to every aspect of your game.

From the creator of the acclaimed Corgi Engine and TopDown Engine, it is the best juice and game feel framework out there, whether you're new to Unity, or an experienced developer. Clean code, good practices, optimizations, it'll likely completely change your workflow as far as gamefeel is concerned.

Extremely easy to use, MMFeedbacks are going to change the way you make your games awesome. Just create an empty game object, add the MMFeedbacks class to it, and you can start adding and tweaking individual feedbacks. With more than 150 different feedbacks to pick from, it's now super easy to create games that feel good.

它包含 150 多个反馈和 70 个弹簧,可让您轻松触发屏幕抖动、触觉、动画变换、播放声音、相机、粒子、物理、后期处理、文本、着色器、时间、UI,并为游戏的各个方面增添活力。

它由广受好评的 Corgi Engine 和 TopDown Engine 的创建者开发,是目前最好的活力和游戏感觉框架,无论您是 Unity 新手还是经验丰富的开发人员。干净的代码、良好的实践、优化,就游戏感觉而言,它可能会完全改变您的工作流程。

MMFeedbacks 非常易于使用,将改变您制作精彩游戏的方式。只需创建一个空的游戏对象,向其添加 MMFeedbacks 类,您就可以开始添加和调整单个反馈。有了 150 多种不同的反馈可供选择,现在创建感觉良好的游戏变得非常容易。

作者 小海盗 发表于 2024-7-8 10:38:45
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