角色/动画 Character Editor 适配UE4.26-4.27,5.1

  角色  UE4.26 UE4.27 UE5.0 

Update V7 groom is live
Activate groom plugin after adding CE to your project.
HINT FOR UNREAL ENGINE BEGINNERS You should be aware that our showcase maps in general can be used as a beginner. Though, if you want to extend or customize the Blueprint logic, we recommend advanced Unreal Engine knowledge. We always do our best to support our customers as comprehensively as possible, but please, understand that we cannot help with learning all engine basics.

Update V6 - Replication Update is live!
The Character Editor is a ready-to-use character customization system.

Muscularity/weight options are in dev for the Meta/UE5 skeleton. We plan to release an alternative/updated version without the need to create Moprhtargets outside of Unreal. More Info will come once the system is fleshed out and rdy for production.

*** Metahuman Update December 2021 ***
Added additional anatomy support for Metahumans - basecostumes have been converted to Metahuman tal nrw.

Editor logic is not compatible with Metahuman BP base structure like weight, UI Sliders for Eye variation etc - we are looking into streamline our Ue4 Mannequin with a full release of Ue5. Baseproduct is Ue4 Epic skeleton structure.

Keep in mind the core of this product is developed with the UE4 Mannequin base in mind.

Faces come with ~80 Morphtargets - FACS-based morphs ready for facial animations with ARKit
Data Assets are used to combine unique characters from different types. Data Assets are split into various child classes like apparel (hats, upperbody, lowerbody etc.) and hairstyles (hair and beards) as well as prepared placeholder attachment and equipment classes
Clothing: ~ 27 per gender + 20 for childs.
Hairstyles: 7x male, 5x female, 5x child
Multiple skeletons are supported Childs are included as well
Anatomy Profiles support you to add more RPG-like characters like dwarfes, elves, orcs
Basic Wrinklemaps WIP for more believable facial expressions
Different skin basetextures + skintint as well
Randomize, SaveGame system to save and load customization profiles
Thumbnail Studio to help you creating in-game Data Asset thumbnails
Light Studio to give you custom light setup inside the in-game editor
Morphologies like muscularity, obesity, aging and dynamic size ~160cm to ~185cm (UE4 Mannequin only UE5/Meta update in dev)

Polyphoria Products:
The Character Editor logic is compatible with our other latest character packs
Morph Targets for shapevariations from other products need to be made on your own
Face and body can be shared between products. Medieval Armor Example
Third Party: ALS 4 Integration
Armour integration Example

CHANGE LOG See documentation for full change log.
Update V7 - Added Groom support
Update V6 - Replication Update Introduced network replication and default UE4 Mannequin for male and female humans.
Update V5 - Metahuman Update Introduced male and female adult Metahuman anatomy. Metahuman Update
Update V4 - Animation Update Introduced updated skeletons, animation support on all skeletal CDAs and anim dynamics tests.
Update V3 - Lighting Update Introduced Light Studio, CDA Loader, hand apparels and compatibility with other products.
Update V2 - Anatomy Update Introduced anatomy and collection system, children anatomies, beard hairstyles.
Anim dynamics support, new hairstyle, updated documentation and base cleanup.

Character: 15 Blueprint
Character Parts
~100 SK meshes
204 PBR Textures: Albedo, normal, ORM (ambient Occlusion, Roughness, and Metallic) and tint masks
98 Materials: Including 4 Master Materials for items and hairs
Maps: 1 Overview
Other: UE4 Mannequin with slightly modified UE4 skeleton (added sockets)
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: YES
Rigged: YES
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: YES
Animated: No Animation included
Number of Characters: divided into 71 parts
Vertex counts of characters:
naked: ~ 30k
face ~10k facial anim rdy
Dress ~20k fullbody
Supported Development Platforms: PC,
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes

更新 V7 新郎已上线
将 CE 添加到您的项目后,激活新郎插件。
给虚幻引擎初学者的提示 您应该知道我们的展示图一般可以作为初学者使用。不过,如果您想扩展或自定义蓝图逻辑,我们建议您具备高级虚幻引擎知识。我们总是尽最大努力为我们的客户提供尽可能全面的支持,但是请理解我们无法帮助您学习所有的引擎基础知识。

更新 V6 - 复制更新已上线!

针对 Meta/UE5 骨架的肌肉/体重选项正在开发中。我们计划发布一个无需在虚幻之外创建Moprhtargets的替代/更新版本。更多信息将在系统完善并准备投入生产后发布。

2021年12月***元人更新 ***
为 “超人类 ”添加了额外的解剖学支持 - basecostumes 已转换为 Metahuman tal nrw。

编辑器逻辑与 Metahuman BP 基础结构不兼容,如重量、用于眼睛变化的用户界面滑块等 - 我们正在考虑在 Ue5 正式发布时精简我们的 Ue4 人体模型。基础产品是 Ue4 Epic 骨架结构。

请记住,本产品的核心是以 UE4 人体模型为基础开发的。

面部包含 ~80 个变形目标 - 基于 FACS 的变形,可使用 ARKit 制作面部动画

作者 小海盗 发表于 2024-5-13 15:08:32
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