2D RPG & MMO UI 11 1.0 RPG界面

2D  幻想  Unity 2022 

The best interface is a flexible interface. This collection represents an overall collection of assets designed for both MMORPGs and traditional RPGs interfaces. The dark and gritty design with unique coloring makes this the perfect interface solution to make your project stand out from the rest.

The product features:
- Color Schemes
- 4K Ready
- PSD Files
- Vector Design (Scalable)
- More than 60 unique UI elements
- Sliced images (PNG, High Resolution)
- Fonts included
- Prefabs
- Demo scenes
- Large collection of custom scripts
--- Slot System
--- Tooltip System
--- Window System
--- Modal Box
--- Loading Overlay
--- Select Field
--- Advanced Slider
--- Progress Bars
--- Effects
--- Raycast Filters
--- Tabs
--- Tweening

About Color Schemes
The color schemes let you quickly and easily change key colors in the interface. You can create unlimited color schemes and change them during editing with a simple mouse click.

The demo scenes are setup to scale with the screen size relative 3840x2160 (4K).
The images are sliced from PSD files scaled up to 200%.

最好的接口是灵活的接口。 该集合代表了为 MMORPG 和传统 RPG 界面设计的资产的整体集合。 深色和坚韧的设计加上独特的色彩使其成为完美的界面解决方案,使您的项目脱颖而出。

- 配色方案
- 4K 就绪
- PSD 文件
- 矢量设计(可扩展)
- 超过 60 个独特的 UI 元素
- 切片图像(PNG,高分辨率)
- 包括字体
- 预制件
- 演示场景
- 大量自定义脚本集合
--- 老虎机系统
--- 工具提示系统
--- 窗口系统
--- 模态框
--- 加载叠加
--- 选择字段
--- 高级滑块
--- 进度条
--- 效果
--- 光线投射滤镜
--- 标签
--- 补间

配色方案可让您快速轻松地更改界面中的主要颜色。 您可以创建无限的配色方案,并在编辑过程中只需单击鼠标即可更改它们。

演示场景设置为根据相对 3840x2160 (4K) 的屏幕尺寸进行缩放。
这些图像是从缩放至 200% 的 PSD 文件中切片而成的。

作者 小海盗 发表于 2024-4-15 15:47:47
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