编辑器/功能拓展 Volumetric Audio 2.0.1

编辑器/功能拓展  卡通 道具  Unity 2020 

Easy To Use ― Explore the numerous demo scenes, and get going in just a few clicks. All components follow Unity’s inspector design style, has intuitively named settings, and includes detailed tooltip text. If you're a programmer then full C# source code is also included, allowing you to create and modify anything you like!

Long Term Support ― Volumetric Audio has received updates for over 7 years. Thank you to everyone who has rated, reviewed, and provided feedback so far!
Optimized ― Enjoy high performance volumetric sounds. Each component has been heavily optimized, giving you minimal performance impact.
Volumetric Shapes ― Allow you to emit sound from boxes, spheres, capsules, and even custom meshes.
Compound Shapes ― Allow you to make complex shapes from multiple simpler ones, so you can create any kind of shape you like.
Hollow Shapes ― Allow you to emit sound from the hollow shell of boxes, spheres, capsules, line paths, and custom meshes.
Mesh Baking ― If you want to emit sounds from a high poly mesh then you can bake the volumetric mesh data for maximum performance.
Occlusion ― Allows objects in the way to block your sound volume, increasing the realism and immersion.
Audio Reverb Zones ― Easily make these volumetric too, for truly atmospheric scenes.
Rotating Doppler ― Experience the doppler effect from rotating volumetric sounds as they pass by the camera.
Whizzing ― Allows you to hear sounds only if they pass close by your ears, like whizzing bullets.
Integration ― Works great with RT-Voice PRO, Radio PRO, and DJ PRO.

易于使用——探索众多的演示场景,只需点击几下即可开始。 所有组件都遵循 Unity 的检查器设计风格,具有直观的命名设置,并包含详细的工具提示文本。 如果您是一名程序员,那么还包含完整的 C# 源代码,允许您创建和修改您喜欢的任何内容!

长期支持 — Volumetric Audio 已经更新了 7 年多。 感谢迄今为止评分、评论和提供反馈的所有人!
优化 ― 享受高性能音量声音。 每个组件都经过了大量优化,对性能的影响最小。
体积形状 - 允许您从盒子、球体、胶囊甚至自定义网格中发出声音。
复合形状 - 允许您从多个简单的形状中创建复杂的形状,这样您就可以创建任何您喜欢的形状。
  空心形状 - 允许您从盒子、球体、胶囊、线条路径和自定义网格的空心外壳中发出声音。
网格烘焙 ― 如果您想从高多边形网格发出声音,则可以烘焙体积网格数据以获得最佳性能。
遮挡 ― 允许物体阻挡您的音量,增加真实感和沉浸感。
音频混响区域 - 也可以轻松制作这些体积,以实现真正大气的场景。
旋转多普勒 ― 体验旋转体积声音经过摄像机时的多普勒效应。
集成 — 与 RT-Voice PRO、Radio PRO 和 DJ PRO 完美配合。

作者 小海盗 发表于 2023-12-22 15:44:41
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