阿兹特克边框图案画笔刷美洲古代装饰图案100 Aztec Border Pattern and Brush

写实 中世纪 道具  纹理花纹材质 图形印章 

Do you have a project in which you need some Aztec pattern for the environment assets or clothes on the borders? Do you want a tool kit of medieval border patterns? We create this tool kit for you. You can enjoy working on your project with this toolkit because you have access to all contents in ZBrush as a roll brush, in substance as a brush or base material with all essential parameters, or as an alpha in PNG and PSD format which you use in all software without hesitation about quality. We provide some videos to show you how to use this product in different software.

After purchasing this product you have access to these items:
100 Aztec patterns patterns in PSD and PNG format with 16-bit depth
100 Aztec patterns patterns ZBP (ZBrush Brush)
100 Aztec patterns patterns SBSAR (Substance Brush)
100 Aztec patterns Preview

您是否有需要在环境资产或衣服边框上使用阿兹台克图案的项目?您需要中世纪边框图案工具包吗?我们为您制作了这个工具包。您可以使用该工具包愉快地完成您的项目,因为您可以在 ZBrush 中以滚动笔刷的形式获取所有内容,也可以在 substance 中以笔刷或带有所有基本参数的基本素材的形式获取所有内容,还可以以 PNG 和 PSD 格式获取所有内容,您可以在所有软件中毫不犹豫地使用这些内容。我们提供了一些视频,向你展示如何在不同的软件中使用本产品。

PSD 和 PNG 格式(16 位深度)的 100 个阿兹台克图案样式
100 个阿兹台克图案 ZBP(ZBrush 笔刷)
100 个阿兹台克图案纹样 SBSAR(Substance 笔刷)
100 个阿兹台克图案预览

作者 小海盗 发表于 2023-10-31 10:57:55
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