音乐/音效 Gun Sound Pack 虚幻4.10 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.1枪支音效

音乐/音效  幻想 卡通  UE4.21 UE4.22 UE4.23 UE4.24 UE4.25 UE4.26 UE4.27 UE5.0 

Gun Sound Pack contains 266 gun sound effects. Professionally designed by award winning sound designers specifically for games. Perfect for all indie developers who need a collection of high quality gun sounds.

Guns included: Pistol, Revolver Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Semi-Auto Rifle, Sub-Machine gun, Machine gun.

This pack also includes a variety of 150 bonus sounds effects from our full sound package Pro Sound Collection.

Need more sounds including: bullet impacts/flybys, explosions, silenced guns, footsteps and Foley and other sounds perfect for your projects. Checkout our premium FPS/Shooter sound package WARFARE SOUNDS.

Note that ALL sounds from Gun Sound Pack are already included in our other premium sound packages Pro Sound Collection and WARFARE SOUNDS. So be sure to check out Pro Sound Collection and WARFARE SOUNDS before purchase.

Number of Audio tracks: 266 gun sounds / 150 bonus sounds
Number of Audio Cues: 266 gun sounds / 150 bonus sounds
List of included tracks: Yes
Does music\audio loop: No
How many sound FX: 266 gun sounds / 150 bonus sounds
How many minutes of audio provided: Guns (3 minutes) /Bonus sounds (4 minutes)
File format: Unreal Engine (.uasset)

枪支音效包包含 266 种枪支音效。由屡获殊荣的音效设计师专门为游戏设计。非常适合所有需要高质量枪声的独立开发者。

包含的枪支 手枪、左轮手枪、霰弹枪、步枪、狙击步枪、半自动步枪、冲锋枪、机枪。

该音效包还包括来自我们完整音效包 Pro Sound Collection 的 150 种额外音效。

需要更多音效,包括:子弹撞击/飞弹、爆炸、消音枪、脚步声、Foley 和其他适合您项目的音效。请查看我们的高级 FPS/射击游戏音效包 WARFARE SOUNDS。

请注意,Gun Sound Pack 中的所有音效都已包含在我们的其他高级音效包 Pro Sound Collection 和 WARFARE SOUNDS 中。因此购买前请务必查看 Pro Sound Collection 和 WARFARE SOUNDS。

音轨数:266 种枪声 / 150 种额外音效
音频提示数 266 种枪声/150 种附加音效
包含的音轨列表: 有
有多少声音特效:266 种枪声 / 150 种额外声音
提供多少分钟的音频 枪声(3 分钟)/奖励声音(4 分钟)
文件格式: Unreal Engine (.uasset) 虚幻引擎 (.uasset)

作者 小海盗 发表于 2023-8-14 13:57:27
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