小海盗 发表于 2025-1-24 14:25:04

Lazy Godray 2.0 适配UE4.24-4.26光线森林天光余光放射光效

Update: Ver 2.5 update for sequencer and cinematic production: Lazy_Godray_Ver2.5(4.24 and above)

UPDATE: Lazy Godray Ver2.0 has been implemented and included in this product as a supplement to the original blueprint. Please check out the video for more detail: Lazy Godray Ver 2.0 (4.24 and above)

Video: V1.2 Parameter Showcase
Lazy Godray is an effect Blueprint for quick and isolated godray setup without the need of using volumetric lighting feature from unreal. This Asset combines all crucial components for making a nice looking godray effect into one Blueprint with a ton of customization options for that extra kick in completing the ambiance of your environment.

- Lite weight geometry driven godray effect
- Customizable textures for light shaft effect & moving smoke.
- Fully customizable volumetric options resembling the physical characteristic of smoke and volumetric lighting.
- Spotlight component and dust particle system to further pushing the visual fidelity of the effect.
- Material can be used separately as fog material on simple cards & particle system.

All features are broken into sub categories in Blueprint setting. The ordering of the categories appears to be in random due to an unresolved unreal bug. It is advised to follow the numbering order when making your own customization.

1. Scale:
-All components scale off diameter & length multipliers

2. Main Attributes:
-Consists of settings related to light streaks
-The tint color parameter not only tints the godray texture, but also the spotlight color for coherence.

3. Volumetric Settings:
-Depth Fade Distance: control the revealing distance of the geometry behind/colliding with the godray geometry
-Fresnel Exponent: control the fading effect based on the facing ratio of the godray geometry.
-Camera Fading Control: control the fading effect when camera push into godray
-Vertical fading Control: control the weighting of the effect along the strip
-Cylindrical Masking Exponent: controls the apparent "roundness" of the effect
-Lightray Convergent: switching from parallel lightshaft to that of a spotlight which shoot out from a point.

4. Running Smoke: Smoke animation enabled through animated texture:
-With basic intensity, scaling, and speed parameters to be customized to your need with your own alpha texture.

5.Dust Particles:
-GPU emitter for small dust shimmering around godray
-Camera based reveal & culling setting to contain the visibility of the dust within ideal distance.
-(3 LOD level with the emission disabled beyond 2500 unit away from camera)

更新:序列器和电影制作的 Ver 2.5 更新:Lazy_Godray_Ver2.5(4.24 及以上版本)

更新:Lazy Godray Ver2.0 已实现并包含在该产品中,作为原始蓝图的补充。请查看视频了解更多详情:Lazy Godray Ver 2.0(4.24 及以上版本)

视频:V1.2 参数展示

Lazy Godray 是一种效果蓝图,用于快速和独立的 Godray 设置,无需使用虚幻的体积照明功能。此资产将制作美观的 Godray 效果的所有关键组件组合成一个蓝图,并提供大量自定义选项,以额外完成环境氛围。

- 轻量级几何驱动的 Godray 效果
- 可自定义纹理,用于光轴效果和移动烟雾。
- 完全可自定义的体积选项,类似于烟雾和体积照明的物理特性。
- 聚光灯组件和灰尘粒子系统进一步提升了效果的视觉保真度。
- 材质可以单独用作简单卡片和粒子系统上的雾材质。


1. 比例:
- 所有组件都按直径和长度乘数缩放

2. 主要属性:
- 包含与光条纹相关的设置
- 色调颜色参数不仅为光影纹理着色,还为聚光灯颜色着色以保持一致性。

3. 体积设置:
- 深度淡入距离:控制光影几何体后面/与光影几何体碰撞的几何体的显示距离
- 菲涅尔指数:根据光影几何体的正面比例控制淡入效果。

4. 烟雾流动:通过动画纹理启用烟雾动画:
-使用基本强度、缩放和速度参数,可根据您自己的 alpha 纹理进行自定义。

-GPU 发射器,用于在光带周围闪烁的小灰尘
-(3 LOD 级别,在距离相机 2500 单位以外禁用发射)

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查看完整版本: Lazy Godray 2.0 适配UE4.24-4.26光线森林天光余光放射光效