小海盗 发表于 2025-1-20 12:10:55

PBR公寓楼房建筑材料4K贴图Artstaton – Apartment Buildings PBR Materials

A collection of PBR apartment building materials. Useful for a quick sci-fi or any other kind of render, just slap them on any object you want and you are done !

This pack includes 10 materials in total (showcased in the previews) each of them has 4 4K texture maps :
- Diffuse
- Specular
- Normal
- Displacement
- Emissive texture specific for Apartments #8 (see images)

PBR 公寓建筑材料集合。适用于快速科幻或任何其他类型的渲染,只需将它们贴在任何您想要的物体上即可完成!

此包总共包含 10 种材料(在预览中展示),每种材料都有 4 个 4K 纹理贴图:
- 漫反射
- 镜面反射
- 法线
- 位移
- 公寓 #8 专用的自发光纹理(见图片)

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查看完整版本: PBR公寓楼房建筑材料4K贴图Artstaton – Apartment Buildings PBR Materials