小海盗 发表于 2025-1-17 12:11:37

30个SP玻璃智能材质Artstation – 30 Glass Smart Materials For Substance Painter_vol01

this product includes 30 hight detailed glass smart materials for substance painter
to give your work more detail and better look and get better result with less time.

info about thisproduct:
30 High-quality glass smart materials (SPSM)
jpeg(preview)-custom preview in substance
all layers have correct name
fully maded in substance painter
All patterns created with shape manipulation using
default texture and maps in substance painter

The materials can be used in Substance Painter 7.3.0 and above. This Pack Contains.SPSM (Smart Material) Files and Preview Images
just drag and drop the spsm files to your substance shelf and use them.
turn on opacity and emmisive channels

本产品包括 30 种用于 Substance Painter 的高精度玻璃智能材料


30 种高品质玻璃智能材料 (SPSM)
jpeg(预览)-Substance 中的自定义预览
完全在 Substance Painter 中制作
Substance Painter 中的默认纹理和贴图

这些材料可用于 Substance Painter 7.3.0 及更高版本。此包包含 .SPSM(智能材料)文件和预览图像
只需将 spsm 文件拖放到您的 Substance 架子并使用它们即可。

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查看完整版本: 30个SP玻璃智能材质Artstation – 30 Glass Smart Materials For Substance Painter_vol01