小海盗 发表于 2024-11-14 16:27:51

85张污迹划痕深度贴图素材 Artstation – High Quality Useful Grunge Stencil Imperfection Vol.2

We need alphas when we want to make realistic paintings in Substance Painter or similar 3D painting applications. We may also need alphas to make realistic, organic models with Zbrush. These alphas in the package will make it very easy for you to achieve fast and beautiful results.

85 Useful GRUNGE Stencil Imperfection
Formats : PNG
Resolution: 4K
当我们想在 Substance Painter 或类似的 3D 绘画应用程序中制作逼真的绘画时,我们需要 alpha。我们可能还需要 alpha 来使用 Zbrush 制作逼真的有机模型。软件包中的这些 alpha 将使您非常轻松地获得快速而美丽的结果。

85 个有用的 GRUNGE 模板缺陷

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