Zombie Boss - Hand Painted Series 1.01腐尸僵尸大军
Need a king to lead your army of rotting corpses into battle against the forces of good? Here is your guy! The zombie king towers over his minions with his imposing silhouette and draws more undead minions from the ground where ever he passes. He comes with a range of charismatic animations and has been designed to work well for mobile and VR game development.
frame 0001-0005: bind pose
frame 0010-0033: backpedal (loop)
frame 0035-0086: bite
frame 0090-0169: die
frame 0175-0210: get hit from behind
frame 0215-0258: get hit from front
frame 0260-0303: get hit from left
frame 0305-0340: get hit from right
frame 0345-0392: idle (loop)
frame 0445-0484: jump
frame 0490-0569: pick up & eat
frame 0575-0638: roar
frame 0640-0654: run (loop)
frame 0700-0715: shuffle left (loop)
frame 0750-0765: shuffle right (loop)
frame 0800-0859: signal minions to attack
frame 0865-0928: slam ground
frame 0995-1142: spawn
frame 1145-1192: spew out minion
frame 1195-1238: stomp ground
frame 1240-1263: strafe left (loop)
frame 1310-1333: strafe right (loop)
frame 1380-1479: throw something heavy
frame 1480-1503: walk (loop)
需要一位国王来带领你的腐尸大军与正义力量作战吗? 这是你的家伙! 僵尸王以其雄伟的轮廓高耸在他的爪牙之上,并从他所经过的地方吸引更多的不死爪牙。 他提供了一系列魅力十足的动画,专为移动和 VR 游戏开发而设计。
帧 0001-0005:绑定姿势
帧 0010-0033:后退(循环)
帧 0035-0086:咬
框架 0090-0169:模具
帧 0175-0210:从后面被击中
帧 0215-0258:从前面被击中
帧 0260-0303:从左侧被击中
帧 0305-0340:从右侧被击中
帧 0345-0392:空闲(循环)
帧 0640-0654:运行(循环)
帧 0700-0715:向左随机播放(循环)
帧 0750-0765:向右随机播放(循环)
框架 0865-0928:猛击地面
帧 0995-1142:产卵
帧 1195-1238:踩地
第 1240-1263 帧:向左平移(循环)
第 1310-1333 帧:向右平移(循环)
帧 1480-1503:步行(循环)